Thursday, May 17, 2018

Beautiful things this week

I have a fierce love for nature, and flowers. I find peace and hear God best when I am outside and bare foot. Here are a few things that touched my heart this week on my morning rounds

Something I try to fit in every day is a walk outside around my yard in my bare feet. It is good to be connected to the earth this way. I like to take in the little beautiful things that are around me. It is 5 minutes but it is so good for my soul. Winter makes this habit impossible so I try to soak in as much as I can in our short Wisconsin summers. Life is hard, love the simple things! See you next time, Joy


  1. Lovely pics and I love to be feet are super...weathered. ha

    1. Yes, mine as well. I try to scrub them clean each night but sometimes they stay dirty
